Many of us are working from home these day. Good for…
Ways to Involve Your Pet in the Holidays
The holidays are upon us and while we celebrate with family and friends, many of us want to make sure our pets are included as well. It is often easy to overlook your pets when there is so much business around the house.
Here are three ways you can help you dog or cat feel a part of your holiday celebrations this November and December:
Family Photos –
When taking photos of the family, whether for a holiday card or just as a bit of memorabilia, remember to work your dog or cat into the picture. If your family decides to dress alike or in similar colors, you can dress your pet similarly as well. Even if it’s difficult for your pet to sit still, be held or just plain wear a sweater, the moment will be memorable. Remembering to bring your pet’s into your family photo will help you recall that point in time with loved ones and will help your pet feel involved.
Special Treats –
If you are already in the routine of giving your dog or cat treats, maybe you could change them up for the holidays. Purchasing a little something different that makes the holidays a bit more memorable for your dog or cat will be a great surprise. Pet treats vary in quality and flavor, so go in search of something a little fancier for your pet and treat them to some new tastes. They may not be able to express it through words, but they will be grateful for your efforts.
Attention –
It is easy to forget to walk your dog regularly around the holidays or to overlook giving them special attention if your home is full of family and friends. Making a conscious effort to spend a little extra time with your pets, even in the midst of parties, sharing and dining is important.
Remember that while you are happy to see family and friends, your pet may feel a bit intimidated by all the new people, sounds and smells in the house. Make sure to give your pet some time away from large groups of people if he or she becomes overwhelmed, and spend one-on-one time with them whenever possible.
The holidays are for time with all of our loved ones and this includes our pets. We at Scottsdale Pet Hotel hope your holidays are full of love and cheer with your furry family members. To book a doggy daycare stay or grooming appointment for your pet before or after the holidays, visit: today!