While July may be a fun time for…
The Overpopulation of Cats, How We Can All Help

For many of us, cats are our most trusted friends and playmates. They keep us amused with their antics and help us cope with the daily stresses of life. For others, listening to a cat purr beside you in bed is very comforting as you fall into a peaceful slumber. Yes, cats are amazing creatures, but the sad reality is that many are put to death every year.
Unfortunately, there are more cats that exist than there are homes for them to live in. So instead of finding a loving family, they are taken into shelters to await a painless death, which is thought of as a “gift” by some. This so-called gift is euthanasia, often referred to as having a pet “put to sleep.” In effect, these animals are being disposed of.
Three- to four-million healthy dogs and cats are killed in animal shelters each year. Shelter officials support this mass killing as necessary measure in effort to prevent animals from suffering and to provide a public service.
Where is the respect for animal life today?
Animal companions, that means each and every one of us must take responsibility for their cats or dogs lives and realize that they are not disposable commodities. However, some might say “it is not my problem, I do not own a pet.” All of us are affected by overpopulation of animals and millions of our tax dollars are spent to shelter and care for these poor unwanted creatures.
What are the alternatives?
One suggestion that can be focused on is that the general public be made more aware of the animals that are in immediate danger of being euthanized through public awareness campaigns. Maybe encouragement should be given to pick from those animals first when looking for a new pet. How about the homeowner who is going to move to a home or apartment that does not accept pets? An alternative solution to making the decision to put your animal in a shelter is to try to find a place that allows pets. Our animals rely on us to protect and love them not discard them when it becomes inconvenient.
However, the best remedy for overpopulation and preventing unwanted cats from being put down is having them spayed and neutered. Spaying can also eliminate the constant crying and nervous pacing a female cat in heat experiences. It prevents uterine infections and uterine cancer, while neutering a male cat prevents testicular cancer and greatly reduces their risk for tumors.
So yes, there is a tremendous overpopulation of cats but the good news is that each of us personally can directly and effectively help in this area. How? By spaying and neutering your pets, we can all be part of the solution and end this needless tragedy.
Information on Maricopa County spaying and neutering assistance.
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