Adopt, Don't Shop! Considering adding a new dog or cat to…
Cats Vs. Dogs- Which is best for me?
Choosing between a dog and a cat can be tough. Typically, cats are more independent and require less daily care than a dog. Dogs tend to be more affectionate but require more mental and physical exercise than cats. Ultimately, it comes down to your lifestyle-activity level, free time and schedule to determine which is right for you.
Pets have been shown to hel;p your mental and physical health. They can lower your blood pressure, ease depression, anxiety and help with weight loss. Don’t forget when you have a pet, they need exercise, too!
Looking at different breeds may help your decision, too, Adopting a German Shepherd is different than adopting a Yorkie, just as adopting a Siamese is different than adopting a Sphinx cat. It is important to do research to help you find the best fit.
Work long hours and have limited space? Maybe a cat is the best choice. They can be self sufficient while you are at work and be there to cuddle and take away the day’s stress when you get home. Have an active lifestyle and looking to make new friends? A dog can come along on hikes and socilaize with your friends. In fact, dogs can be a great way to meet new people. It’s been shown that having a dog makes you more likely to get out in to the world, achieve those weight loss goals and meet other dogs owners.
Whether you choose a dog or a cat, you will rewarded with a lifetime of love and memories.