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5 Cat Myths & 5 Cat Facts, Did You Know…

Despite being one of the most popular domestic pets in the world, there is an incredible amount of misinformation about cats.
Below, we help you separate fact from fiction by explaining 5 myths about cats and 5 facts for your information.
5 Cat Myths:
1. Low Maintenance: As cats seem to be independent creatures, many people believe that felines require minimal attention. Unfortunately, stray and feral cats have a life expectancy of less than 3 years, far below the domestic cat average which proves that cats need care!
2. Cats Hate Being Indoors: This is only true if we are talking about an older cat that has been outdoors most of its life. Cats that are brought up indoors enjoy it as long as they have toys, window perches and scratching posts. Of course, you should let your cat outside once in a while.
3. Not Suitable For Pregnant Women: It is said that toxoplasmosis, a disease that causes birth defects, can be the result if pregnant women are placed in contact with cats. This is a disease that is more likely to happen from handling raw meat or digging through soil however.
4. Purring = Happy Cat: Actually, cats also purr when they experience any kind of intense feeling, even pain.
5. Cats Need Less Protein Than Dogs: Cats need 5 times more protein than dogs. This means in ratio to total food consumption and does not mean your cat needs 5 times more chicken!
5 Cat Facts:
1. Cats Know Your Mood: Yes, your cat has the ability to tell when you’re happy, angry or upset. This doesn’t mean they care and you better believe they still want attention!
2. Cats Jump Incredibly High: Cats are able to jump 5 times their own height, a feat that is replicated by cats in the wild like jaguars and leopards.
3. Cats Are Amazingly Fast: Have you ever been able to catch a cat in an open space? Not if it doesn’t want to be caught! This is because a domestic cat has a top speed of 31 miles an hour!
4. Cats Sleep a Lot: Domestic cats sleep an average of 16 hours a day. It’s not as if they have to work, is it?
5. It Is Obvious When A Cat Is About To Attack: Once you see a cat’s hair stand up in a single long streak along its spine and tail, get out of the way because it is about to attack. If the cat’s hair stands on end all over its body, it is just frightened and not about to pounce.
Hopefully, you will have a slightly better knowledge of cats than before and maybe you learned a couple of things you didn’t know about your favorite domestic creature.
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